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Whoever Is Naive, Let Him Turn In Here Now

 Whoever Is Naive, Let Him Turn In Here Now.

Proverbs 9 completes a series of exhortations from Solomon. They are addressed to “my son” and “my sons”. While they were probably intended for his physical son and/or sons, they may have been intended for the entire kingdom.

Solomon was the ruler of Israel, and when God asked him what he wanted, Solomon said for wisdom to rule wisely. He would have wanted the same wisdom for his subjects.

Of course, the original writing was not divided into chapters, and they were probably written over a period during the early years of Solomon’s reign. But, regardless of when they were specifically written, their theme was the same.

All are to seek for Godly knowledge and wisdom and avoid a life of sin. The rest of Proverbs contains short statements of how to achieve and retain wisdom and warnings concerning living contrary to God’s will.

Whoever Is Naive, Let Him Turn In Here Now

Tragically, as Solomon aged, he did not follow the words of his own writing. He took many wives, and many of them worshipped pagan gods. Probably, the change in him was gradual. A small concession here, a minor compromise there that did not seem important because he was so wise.

Everybody knew how wise he, and these “little things” would not affect his true love of God. But those little compromises became bigger and bigger, and Solomon forgot his first love for something that he was false.

The first section of Proverbs contains a powerful warning. It does not matter how intelligent, how educated, how wise, or how faithful a person may think he/she is. Unless that person continues to strengthen his/her love and faith in the true Living God, the real danger is there of drifting away from God. How many people start strong in the Lord, yet later they stumble and fall?

Like previous chapters, Proverbs 9 describes two women. One represents wisdom and the other represents folly. In the first six verses, wisdom has carefully built her home, and has worked to prepare a special feast.

Whoever Is Naive, Let Him Turn In Here Now

“Wisdom has built her house, she has hewn out her seven pillars; she has prepared her food, she has mixed her wine; she has also set her table; she has sent out her maidens, she calls from the tops of the heights of the city: ‘Whoever is naive, let him turn in here!’ To him who lacks understanding she says, ‘Come, eat of my food and drink of the wine I have mixed. Forsake your folly and live, and proceed in the way of understanding.’”

The last part of verse 6 is the crucial point for each person, “Forsake your folly and live”. The spiritual and emotional quality of life for each person will be better. Of course, trials and hardships will occur, because the Devil wants to pull down as many people as he can. But that inner core of love hope, and trust in the Lord will be untouched.

Plus, if a person lives a godly life and practices the principles laid out in the Bible, especially the New Testament, that person will tend to live a life that are full of love and respect. Verse 11 states, “For by me your days will be multiplied, and years of life will be added to you.”  

Whoever Is Naive, Let Him Turn In Here Now

A young very handsome man or a young very beautiful woman will age, and the physical beauty will begin to fade away.

For those that live ungodly lives, that change is not pleasant, because the person inside becomes more and more prevalent. Physical beauty becomes ugly. But for a young man or woman, that has a strong love in the Lord and strive every day to live in a way to honor Him, that transition is different.

Yes, the physical beauty fades, but an inner beauty becomes more pronounced. Physical beauty becomes kindness, dignity, and love.

Verses 13-18 describe the woman of folly. Notice the difference. Wisdom prepares carefully, but Folly does not prepare anything! Folly is easily fooled and is ignorant. She simply sits at the door of her house, and calls to people to enter.

She is especially interested in those that trying to live a godly life. Folly has prepared no food, but she HAS built a trap.

Whoever Is Naive, Let Him Turn In Here Now

“‘Whoever is naive, let him turn in here,’ And to him who lacks understanding she says, ‘Stolen water is sweet; and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.’ But he does not know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of Sheol.” 

A worldly life seems so exciting and mysterious. At night, there may be loud celebrations with bright lights, drinking, dancing, close sensual moments, and possibly sexual encounters. But when sun shines, the exotic place becomes shabby and dirty.

The excitement of the night is gone, but life is still there. This kind of lifestyle will not provide answers or strength. But this kind of life WILL lead to one thing….a spiral down into the depths of despair and death.

These chapters have set the stage for the remainder of the Book of Proverbs. The principles, the promises, and warnings have been clearly stated. From this, Solomon has assembled short statements concerning life and what pleases God and what does not please Him.

Whoever Is Naive, Let Him Turn In Here Now

Simply because these are found in the Old Testament does NOT mean that they do not apply to Christians. Paul said that “ALL scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16)

Beginning in chapter 10, this writer will focus on only a select few of proverbs in each chapter, but the reader should feel the responsibility to follow Solomon’s words and search out wisdom and knowledge. What greater task, what nobler endeavor could there be than to strive for a better understanding of God Will?

Whoever Is Naive, Let Him Turn In Here Now


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